Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Revival?

Hi there, all the really bored netsurfers out there who have so reached the end of their tether that they decided to hit up my blog and read some public toilet reviews for old time's sake.

I've been getting this strange, uncontrollable desire lately... but enough about that. You'll hear about it in the papers soon I'm sure.

Seriously though I have been wanting to start blogging again lately. I'm not sure why, but I think it has something to do with the fact that I often express snippets of my opinions in 140 characters or fewer on Twitter, but sometimes my opinions are so wordy that I require more than 140 characters to do it. Just sometimes, though. And then this desire hits me to write up my opinions in full, together with my trademark snide sarcasm and pointless cocksucking swearing, in order that future generations can ignore them.

Trouble is my blog's been so dormant for so long. I occasionally come up with an idea for a post but am nowhere near a computer so can't post it or even draft it up; and whenever I look at my blog all I can come up with idea-wise is to write (again) about how my blog's been dormant for ages, and I can't come up with any blog post inspiration.

So here's the deal. Anyone who comments on this post will get to pick a topic - no matter how obscure or abstract - on which I will be forced to write a blog post. Like seriously, the mandibles of your average house termite. I'll write about it.

And by 'anyone' I mean, you know, a few people, preferably who aren't bots. I feel fairly safe in making this promise rock-solid because I feel that the maximum number of people who ever read this are negligible at best, and is nobody at worst (myself included).

Anyway, it's out there now. Get those comments rolling!

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Blogger Jez Fletcher said...

Agricultural Technology in the Middle Ages.

December 23, 2011 at 4:29 PM  

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