Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Stupid Just-Woken-Up Ramblings

God knows why I'm even writing in this... I just thought if I were going to start directing people to read in such ways as "Yes, the famous Sean's Beard finally has his own blog" I should at least include something interesting in it. And then I thought, no screw it, let's waste time and space with some absolute rubbish that you think of only AFTER you've already typed it. So I'd say bear with me but hey here's news for you jackass, the internet isn't a neo-nazi kryptofascist regime and you have the right to leave this site whenever you please.

I was just reading my brother's blog and instead of writing a comment on that I just decided to rant on my own very special piece of bloggingness...


Don't you hate it when you work on a night when there's really good TV on, and so you set the tape to tape the really good TV, and then you come home from work at like 9:30 and you're dog tired and so you're hoping for some good sleep but of course you have the stuff you just taped and so instead of sleeping you actually lie in bed and watch the Simpsons and Law & Order and don't actually get to sleep until after midnight? And then don't you hate it even more when your circadian rhythms seem to think that they're kingsh*t of everything and they don't have to listen to your biological need for sleep at all and so they go "Hmm, I feel like a f*cking w*nker today, why don't I cut this sleep short at 6 hours just because the goddamn garbage truck's going past outside the window? Hmm yeah, let's really piss Sam off today and put him in a sh*tty mood so he goes and whines perpetually to everyone out there in cyberspace who gives even half a flying f*ck"


Vote Latham.


God I'm bored.... Why won't my parentage leave the house and permit me to wake myself up with loud Opeth music?


Vote Latham again.


Jeez blogs are tedious to type, especially when one has nothing to say...

Oh well remember to have fun, and never stick anything in your mouth that you just scored off a seedy Lebanese (Yes, I ethnographically stereotype, what's the big deal?) bloke in the pub. Unless it's a non-descript pill. Or his penis.


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